as a public service we present a series of topics which have been previously discussed in the EarthBlog News© "To see what is in front of one's nose needs a constant struggle." - George Orwell

EBN transmission link

September 1, 2013 Leave a comment

We are pleased to announce a new subscription mechanism for the EarthBlog News [EBN], along with a new trial subscription offer.

Details can be found at the new transmission link.


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Categories: Uncategorized

The Heat Boffinator

April 30, 2013 5 comments

Presenting an experimental heating appliance with the following attributes:

  • Power Ventilation ensures adequate draft tested to 10 pascals negative pressure
  • Multi Fuel
  • >99 percent of combustion heat into living space for high efficiency
  • sealed combustion chamber = very low interior emissions
  • low temperature / low emission exhaust
  • quick modular disassembly for easy cleaning and maintenance
  • pre heated fresh air intake
  • 1000+ hours in use operation

The Heat Boffinator

photo1 (1)

The main working components [modified] are

  • Morso 1410 “Squirrel” wood burning stove [mod= functional lower vent]
  • Magic Heat Air to Air heat Exchanger [mod = 120F thermal switch and wiring changes]
  • Tjernlund AD-1 – Auto-Draft Draft Inducer [mod = mechanical ]
  • 2″x5.7″ circular catalytic converter module [no mod]

Filed under:  Green Living, Alternative Energy, High Efficiency Heating, Low Cost Heating, Wood burning Stove, Morso 1410 Squirrel, DIY, smart energy

Read more…

Categories: Uncategorized

How Technology is Destroying the Arts

Editors Note: For the purposes of this article, we will ignore the fact that the bulk of the profits for art have always been delivered mostly to the parasitic entities which surround the artists such as record companies, studios, promoters and distributors. We will assume the artists fraction is relatively constant, and ignore the fact that direct artist to consumer music publishing is now possible because of technology. Conversely, we will also ignore the fact that technology has allowed a proliferation of amateur artists to publish their art for free.

There is one unchanging feature about technology.  In a continuous process, the technology becomes ever smaller, faster, and cheaper.

150 years ago, if you wanted to hear a song, you had to hire live musicians. In buildings still standing, we see examples of old mansions, castles and the like where a studio was provided for musicians to perform, and the sound was vented throughout the estate. 150 years ago, if you wanted music you had to be an elite member of society who was able to afford to hire musicians to perform. All music heard was performed live by artists. Without technological progress it would be this way today.

Fast Forward-

The first video cassette recorders became available in the 1970’s. For the first time, this allowed consumers to watch movies at home. The same technology also allowed illegal copies of movies to be made and distributed.

The first computers came onto the scene in the early 1980’s. If you bought the super deluxe IBM model, it came with a hard disk about the size of a shoe box, which had enough storage capacity to store one or two modern mp3 songs.

Fast Forward-

Now only 30 years later you can store a lifetime collection of songs on something the size of your finger which you can keep on a keychain. You can even have it all stored right on your telephone. Countless people have digitized everything they own and listen to it anywhere they want.

The current state of the art allows you can store thousands of full length movies on a computer hard drive. You may not be able to carry them all around on a keychain yet, but that day will come soon enough.

It is no coincidence that as we have gone from 8 track tapes or cassettes and vinyl albums to ipods, that there has been a continuous decline in record sales.  In the old “analog” days, it was quite a time consuming feat to make a copy of a song. Furthermore, there was a degradation in the sound quality from every generation dub. If you wanted to listen to music, you had to either listen to it on the radio, buy the vinyl album, or buy the cassette tape. Because of the arduous task of copying, if you wanted to listen to your favorite artist at home and in your car, you had to purchase two copies. When you stepped on your album and cracked it, or when it wore out…when your 8 track player barfed up your tape after 20 plays….you had to go and pay the same amount all over again for a new copy. The cost of a given song then relative to income compared today was many times higher.

The key point to understand is that as we entered the digital realm of CD’s, mp3’s, computers file sharing, and now real time network streaming…and as technology has become faster, better, smaller, it has also become possible to duplicate 5 or 10 thousand songs in a few seconds. On a modern high speed network you can transfer the lifetimes work of any artist in a flash. You can browse and watch as many movies as you like on netflix as fast as you can press a button.

An entire lifetime of work….in 5 seconds. Think about that. An artist’s entire lifetime of production, or maybe a novel that took someone 10 years to write, moving from point a to point b in the blink of an eye. Think about a writer spending 5 or 10 years in front of a keyboard or typewriter, only to have the masterpiece transmitted to 100,000 people for free in an instant.

30 years ago with vinyl albums and tapes, this kind of duplication effort would have been a monumental task. It would have required an endless supply of expensive tapes, and when completed all the work would be inferior second generation copies. Copying a book was basically impossible.

So while copying personal music, movies or books for personal use may or may not be illegal, copying it for distribution clearly is illegal. That said, there will always be people around willing to use the technology for illegal purposes. This is also a constant. In spite of any law or protection mechanism that can be devised, there will always be an element willing to get around it. Because of this fact, the relentless march of technology will continue to drive down the value of art. There is no stopping it.

So at this point in time, the current state of the art in technology has already caused a proliferation of music. Does anyone remember riding their bicycle to a friends house to spend an hour listening to a Beatles record? When a middle school kid today can go over to his friends house and download 10,000 songs off of his keychain in 5 minutes, music proliferates. When file sharing services distribute the lifetimes work of an artist in a few seconds, the music becomes ubiquitous. Some of the younger generation today for example refuse to pay for music. With Pandora and on line streaming, there is so much choice this is now a valid option.

Does anyone remember the ubiquitous movie rental stores from two decades ago? The cost to rent a movie, not including gas and other incidentals was 2 or 3 dollars.

Today, a streaming netflix subscription costs 10 dollars a month with six allowed devices. If six people each watch one movie per day this is 180 movies a month or an average cost of 18 cents a movie.  What we can see from this is that the value of the art is declining due to technology.  When inflation is factored in, the real decline in price from 2 or 3 dollars to 18 cents is even more dramatic. This trend will continue unabated. The big media owners will attempt to stop it, or thwart it, but to no avail. So far, the new business model of suing their customers has not alleviated the problem.

Now we get back to supply and demand. If the music becomes ubiquitous, the price of the music or the value of the art goes down, however you want to look at it. As the value of the art goes down, there is less available profit for the artists to support themselves.

Today if you do a calculation that takes into account the amount of “free” (mostly illegal) music, the cost to legitimately download a song from itunes or equivalent, plus the giant proliferation of quasi legal offshore distribution sites, you come up with the average value of a hit song at about $.35 cents a copy (some fraction have paid $1.00, some have paid less, some have paid nothing).

Now lets take that .35 cents and talk about a “gold record”. Every artist strives to reach this pinnacle of success. According to the definition, a gold record is 500,000 copies. A platinum single is 2 million copies sold.

So lets go with that. Lets say as an artist you have struggled your entire career, and finally have a platinum single. Looked at another way, you have produced art that 2 million people want. At .35 cents a copy, that’s $700,000 dollars. Out of this $700,000, the cost of production, mixing and mastering, advertising and promotion, as well as distribution and channel sales, then finally wholesale and retail markup all have to be deducted. So this amount of money today isn’t going to buy a lot of rolls royces and learjets. Unless a profitable tour can be undertaken, this platinum recording probably becomes a loss.

It is no coincidence that the stables of the large record companies continue to decline and now support only a few broad appeal mega pop artists who have to be palatable to a mass audience. Otherwise, they are not a viable economic undertaking. Unfortunately for the patron of the arts, there is very little artistic value in this whole mass appeal contrived persona endeavor.

So in the case of illegal copying and downloading, the value of a lifetime of work for a one in a million talent is already reduced to zero. The cost of good quality high fidelity classical music from legitimate sources is already zero. It is no coincidence that symphonic orchestras are shuttering their doors around the world.

The point is that when there is less profit, there is less economic incentive to produce art. As there becomes ever less profit, there becomes ever less incentive. The art becomes economically not viable.

So without getting caught up in the details of the numbers, the important point is that as the technology becomes more advanced, for all these reasons the value of the art declines. As the value of the art declines, the number of artists which can be supported by quantity [x] of art declines.

As technology continues to advance,  how long will it be before you can have 10,000 movies on your keychain? At the present rate, maybe another decade.

What happens when we get to the point where technology would allow a copy of every movie ever made or every song ever written to be on your keychain?

What if you could go to a flea market and buy a keychain storage device with a copy of every movie ever made for $50? or $10. This would put the value of a movie at a few cents, and in many cases this would render the movie making process economically non viable.

If an underground character can buy a storage device for 5 dollars, and load a billion dollars of content he got for free to that, then resell it for ten dollars, he made 100 percent rate of return on capital. So it is the ability of the technology to do that, which drives the whole process.

Technology WILL make this happen. There is no law or treatise which will stop it. The technology will facilitate it, and there will always be an element willing to skirt the law or hack whatever protection can be devised. Because of this fact, the value of art in real terms, for any art which can be digitized and copied,  is destined to move ever lower. Maybe all aspiring artists should turn to sculpture?

The paradox-

Technology provided a “golden age”, where we went from having floor space in your living room for a quartet, to being able to electronically record a performance and duplicate it for the masses. This period has now passed. The profitability of all art is now declining.

So summarizing, what we can see now is that the price of a unit of art will continue to decline as technology progresses. This will be true for music, movies, artwork, photographs, fiction and non fiction books, or anything which can be digitized.  As the art and content becomes less and less commercially and economically viable, it can support fewer artists. As this happens, talented artists will enter other pursuits and endeavors because everyone has to eat. Collectively, this will reduce the quality of the art available, because some people who would have gone on to produce great art will instead choose a vocation that allows them to be fed.

The arts are dying. Technology is killing them.

For further reading about how technology is affecting our lives, please see Rise of the Machines.


Categories: music, philosophy, technology

Food and You

May 24, 2011 8 comments

Editors comment:  The worlds food supply is becoming toxic. Caveat Emptor

One of the most basic things we all have in common as human beings is the requirement for food. We all have to eat.

With that said….

A gross distortion has been laid upon us all by big government, big corporations and big food who are driven by a primary motive to maximize their profits.

This gross distortion is that the food we consume simply consists of protein, fat, carbohydrates and a handful of vitamins and minerals all carefully laid out on the side of some government label…as if every item you consume can all be compared on these simple minded characteristics.

This is a gross distortion;  a dangerous oversimplification.

Governments and global mega food conglomerates would like you to draw little or no distinction between food and health. If you don’t have rickets, you’re ok. If you do, take a pill.

If you become ill, it has nothing to do with the food you have been consuming or not consuming. What you are supposed to buy into is the idea that If the essential vitamins are listed on the package, this is all you need to guide your eating habits. This is how their medical establishment is trained. It is a gross simplification or even a nullification of common sense. It is an attempt to dump inferior quality profit maximized food on the public while passing it off as “the same thing” or “as good as” wholesome natural food.

Recent studies confirm that our food consists of not just what you are eating, but rather a culmination of everything in the food chain that went into what you are eating. The food chain cannot be dissected and compartmentalized. Everything affects everything.

It is entirely possible and even likely that entire classes of compounds exist in our food which have yet to even be identified, and yet have an impact on human health.

Most of the commercial food we consume today has been heat treated, irradiated or pasteurized to prevent contamination and yield a longer shelf life. Pasteurized orange juice for example tastes entirely different than Fresh Orange Juice. Why? What has been killed or altered during the heat treatment process that changes the taste? What important components or compounds of the food might we be killing with heat or radiation that we don’t even know exist?

While big corporations, big government and their shill agencies driven by the profit motive would like you to believe that it all boils down to a handful of essential vitamins, we are finding that food consists of millions of chemical compounds, some in minute quantities, which are beneficial or essential for good health and warding off disease.

Some of these compounds have been found to  kill cancer cells or in general prevent diseased states or protect against disease states. When these important chemical constituents go missing from the food you eat, disease states will result. Many of the pharmaceuticals prescribed for disease are merely concentrations or man made versions of these natural compounds which should be present in the food we eat, but often aren’t.

The fish you eat is a product of what it ate, where it lived, and what was or was not contained in the millions of gallons of water it filtered through it’s gills and thus concentrated into it’s own body during it’s lifetime. Importantly, it is also a product of the health and genetic composition of it’s parents. For example, it has been found an animal raised on GMO feed passes the genetic changes associated with that food consumption on to it’s offspring. This is also true of you and the food you consume.

The milk you are drinking is a product of everything that went into the cow that made the milk and the health of the animal which produces it. Thus milk containing antibiotics and other drugs from a stall raised cow would in no way be expected to be nutritionally equivalent to milk produced from healthy grazing animals, although the labels on the two products would indicate they are the same thing.

The spinach you eat is a product of what nutrients were in the soil it was grown in, the water, the fertilizer, and every other nutrient or lack of nutrient present during it’s growth.

As human consumers we have several issues to deal with regarding the modern food supply

  • -beneficial compounds which should be present in our food for good health, but aren’t
  • -harmful and toxic compounds which should not be present in our food, but are
  • -diets which contain very little of the beneficial compounds and a lot of harmful compounds

Given our limited but ever expanding knowledge about food, it is probable that we do not even know today the complete list of beneficial and harmful compounds.

We may not have yet identified all of the beneficial compounds in the food we eat, but we do know that the current mainstream food supply consists of a worrisome cadre of adulterants.

  • -Genetic modifications
  • -pollution and man made chemical compounds creeping into the food chain which may or may not be toxic
  • -chemical adulterants and additives
  • -lack of important compounds which traditional farming methods produce
  • -additives which increase profits but which are void of important chemicals and compounds

One of the most frightening aspects of the modern food supply is genetic modification. When did the public give their consent to have their food engineered by chemical companies? It has already been found that the genetic modification of food not only affects what consumes it, but also it’s offspring. With 70 percent of the food on the shelves today being genetically modified, this food is changing our DNA. It will affect your children. In what ways, no one knows yet. For further reading, see Genetically Modified Food Will Cause a Global Humanitarian Disaster.

Another frightening aspect of the adulteration of our food supply is the known toxicity of certain man made chemicals at extremely low levels. Certain toxic waste such as dioxin is toxic at levels approaching one drop in an olympic sized swimming pool and yet the food chain is absorbing billions of pounds of these chemicals every year. It is already recommended that we limit our seafood consumption due to concerns about mercury poisoning. How many millions of  man made chemicals are present in our food at very low concentrations which may still accumulate in our bodies and harm us? No one is able to tell us.Our food is not tested for these millions of man made chemicals. We make the assumption that all of these chemicals somehow just disappear and never end up in the food we eat.

It is probable that there are hundreds of thousands of chemicals in actual real food grown in the ground or killed in action as it was for thousands upon millions of years which are all required for good human health, and were all present in the diets of our healthy ancestors. It is also probable that because most of the food we consume no longer contains these compounds, that it is making us sick or more vulnerable to various disease states. Our bodies are large chemical processing plants. Our health is entirely dependent on the fuel we use to run our bodies. Our bodies have a finite capacity to deal with toxins and conversely to synthesize important compounds which should be, but aren’t in our food.

I’m sorry I can’t tell you exactly which chemicals do which things and why you need them, that is beyond our current capability as homo sapien tards. I am writing this because I know it to be true,  even if I can’t necessarily prove it yet. Time and history will prove it for me.

The point is that the mcfood thing here in 2011 doesn’t have any of these things you need and does have everything you don’t want. It’s a bio engineered laboratory creation whose long term effect on your health is entirely unknown. It may taste good but it’s killing you.

The third generation of hamsters eating GMO food had hair growing out of their mouths. Does that help?

This is one of the primary reasons why human disease rates are set to skyrocket in the coming decades. The food doesn’t have the chemicals it should have in order for your continued health, and it has man made chemicals your body doesn’t know what to do with or how to handle; like radioactivity.

For the masses, food is becoming a toxic mcthing with a government label that indicates it has everything you need.

The dilemma for modern consumers is that the food on the shelves contain items which may range from good for you, to ok for you to mild or slightly toxic to carcinogenic to body altering or disease state producing all with identical labels. It is virtually impossible for even an informed consumer to know. Maybe those “organic” farm raised shrimp from asia were fed melamine and raised in a pond full of antibiotics to keep them alive. Do you want to eat that?

Given that most of us do not have the luxury of growing our own wholesome and nutritious food, the food you are shopping for is a shot in the dark. You’re supposed to look at two government labels and compare a twinkie to a handful of spinach grown in Fukishima or a New Zealand ranch. GMO corn is supposed to be the same thing as natural corn. A can of beans is supposed to be the same thing as beans you picked from your backyard garden. You’re supposed to equate a cloned engineered cow given enough antibiotics to keep it alive until they slaughter it to one who had a mother and grew up in the sun eating grass.


We are all on our own here.  It’s your own health we’re talking about.  The authors recommendation is to do some research on your own. Eat a wide variety of food which comes from sources as close to nature as possible. Avoid man made creations like diet sodas. Use your own common sense and endeavor to seek out healthy, wholesome food. Try growing some food yourself if you are able and if it is not prohibited by your government.

Categories: farming, food, greed, medicine

Colloidal Silver the Right Way

May 21, 2011 6 comments

Link to full size drawing

Medical uses of silver
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The medical uses of silver include its incorporation into wound dressings to treat external infections, and its use as an antiseptic and disinfectant in medical appliances. Silver is also promoted within alternative medicine in the form of colloidal silver, although its use is controversial.

The silver ion (Ag+) is bioactive and in sufficient concentration readily kills bacteria in vitro. Silver also kills bacteria in external wounds in living tissue, so physicians use wound dressings containing silver sulfadiazine (Ag-SD) or silver nanomaterials to treat external infections.[1][2][3][4][5] Wound dressings containing silver are increasing in importance due to the recent increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, such as MRSA.[6] The disinfectant properties of silver are used in medical applications, such as urinary catheters and endotracheal breathing tubes, where the silver content is effective in reducing incidences of catheter-related urinary tract infections and ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), respectively.[7][8][9][10] Silver is also used in bone prostheses, reconstructive orthopaedic surgery and cardiac devices,[11] as well as on surfaces and fabrics to reduce the spread of infection.[12][13]

Since the 1990s, “colloidal silver”, a liquid suspension of microscopic silver particles, has been marketed as an alternative medicine, often claiming impressive “cure-all” qualities. The effectiveness of these products has never been scientifically proven, and in some jurisdictions, it is currently illegal to include such claims in product advertisements.[14] Medical authorities and publications advise against the ingestion of colloidal silver preparations, because of their lack of proven effectiveness and because of the risk of adverse side effects, such as argyria.[2][15][16][17] Historically, colloidal silver was also used as an internal medication to treat a variety of diseases. Their use was largely discontinued in the 1940s, due to the development of safe and effective modern antibiotics and concern about adverse side effects.[17][18]

Meet the New Bolsheviks

April 20, 2011 38 comments

EarthBlog News


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Editors Note: “This essay portrays a future world where a very few own and control everything, while everyone else has nothing. No money, no power, no voice, no rights, no security and no dignity. Kings hiding behind the politicians ruling serfs. Apply whatever label you like to that eventuality because the label is meaningless. All that matters is what it is.”

“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws” – Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)

They own you and project their power through your government via control of the money and effective ownership of the entire political bodies of nation states. They allocate the wealth. They own the media from which to manufacture all necessary consent for their actions against you, your country and your way of life. They believe they are gods on earth and that you are to be used until you are used up, only for their benefit. In their eyes we are all are sub human swine. You are actively encouraged not to think, and not to notice. – Meet the New Bolsheviks

As citizens of the world we are told that all of our issues boil down to left versus right and that we can all be categorized as one or the other. We are encouraged to argue among ourselves. While they own the corporations which count the votes, we are all told we have a choice. While two or more parties ostensibly share power in member nation states, all flavors of all parties promoted to contenders by their media are practically indistinguishable in their actions regardless of what they say. They all worship their masters, the people who control the private corporations which control the money.

We are told that in the US a New Pearl Harbor manufactured the consent for an an endless war. We are told for our own protection we must we relinquish our rights and civil liberties, we are told we must sacrifice and reduce our standard of living, although the physics prevent this narrative from being true.

We are all now bombarded daily with propaganda which defines our world emanating from a handful of mouths, all carrying the same monolithic message disguised as news or couched as left or right to keep a tired illusion going.

We have watched a network of private international banks keep the profits when they gambled and won, and how the people have met their margin calls when they lost. We have watched them do as they please and command our politicians to go against the wishes of the people they ostensibly represent without even any consequences.

We have watched them coerce free markets and free market capitalism into a fraudulent, manipulation of the truth via financial derivatives backed by an infinite printing press and now  constant covert market interventions and financial trickery such as buying or selling puts on their own debt whose only legitimacy rests on the peoples ability to perform future labor.

We have lived through the greatest wealth transfer in the history of the world where the people lost their wealth, the wealth was re created via journal entries, and that wealth was then distributed to their banks as they increase their worldwide domination and indespensibility. We have watched their media mask and ignore the fraud, corruption and malfeasance. We have watched the politicians stand aside as they cower in fear of prosecuting the crimes of the people and entities who own them;  the people they owe their continued political existence to.

Now in 2011 this privately owned international consortium effectively owns everything. They own entire countries including the one which spends more on military machines than all others combined.

On our behalf as people of the world, the people who control the money and the power have indebted the citizens of the USA which sponsors the worlds reserve currency up to and beyond the point which they can ever repay.  This roots their entire financial architecture in a debt which can never be repaid no matter how hard the people work.

This ponzi fraud not worthy of a cheap touring carnival has effectively rendered the citizens of the world as a collective indentured servant. This is the modern version of chattel slavery without the shackles, and the fallout is beginning.

While the future obligations levied upon the government and thus the population approach 200 trillion dollars in the land of the western world reserve currency, the current revenue towards these obligations is less than 2 trillion a year. Not only the citizens of the USA, but all citizens of the western world from Iceland to Greece to Spain to the UK to the USA have all been bankrupted by orders of magnitude.

The international financial consortium has effectively already transferred the future labor of the populations of the world to themselves. They have given themselves an advance payment on labor you have yet to perform, and if it is not performed, ratings downgrades from their ratings agencies will surely result in a bankruptcy, a default, and a revolution from which they will assign their new sycophant.

In this sophisticated financial shell game which only one in a million can even understand, this architected collapse and resultant wealth transfer is being masked. A collapse is being turned into a decay via their so called quantitative easing, the same strategy of  zimbabwe.

Instead of a dislocation, the citizens of the western world will austerity imposed upon them by their new overlords, the IMF and the World Bank. It will be up to the local politicians to decide what to call it and how to roll it out. To date this rollout is going more successfully in some countries than in others.  Importantly, at this point it is entirely unclear if this austerity can be effectively imposed without civil unrest, which would be met with their police force and armored cars for the oligarchs as well as increased global uncertainty and chaos.

The shareholders of these private entities, the people who own the shares of the Federal Reserve Corporation, the Bank of England, the IMF and the World Bank and so on, these gods on earth would like to own it all, and now effectively they do. The nations are so dependent on this global syndicate that their continued existence is assured. Smart people educated in their institutions are not supposed to notice, but the elephant is increasingly difficult to hide. The fraud now requires total control over information.

In the culmination of a 300 year old pre meditated plan, the politicians of the world are beholden to what is effectively an international organized crime syndicate. A supra national gang of satanic psychopaths owned by a handful of people, because their continued political existence requires the output of their private corporate printing press.

The politicians, the heads of state have all been reduced to feet lickers. They are sycophants, puppets, middlemen. They require their international consortium of money masters printing press, and yet the people revolt. They are sponsored and given their authority to rule only by their masters and the media their masters own.

For the politicians of the world continued loyalty to the printing press, the inexorable mound of ever increasing and unpayable debt, and for the continued praise of it and their masters, they are allowed to continue in their roles. Any deviation from the script is met with a prompt character assassination, and the politicians of the world all know it so they all tread cautiously. They are careful what they say and how they say it.

There is rarely a sincere word spoken in international politics today, and when there is it is usually followed up by a character assassination in the news of the world.

Now because of this unpayable debt comes austerity to the western world. The debt will be inflated away as the people pay for the debt levied on them further transferring wealth and control to the international consortium.

The explanation of course for FED loans to international banks and cayman island bank accounts is that the FED, the IMF and all of these other private corporations are all owned and controlled by the same families which founded the institutions in the first place, and this ownership along with the rules of the road transcends national boundaries. These are among the questions never asked publicly, who are the owners of these institutions and what do they stand for? If they were asked, the people of the world would quickly realize we are all being governed by a handful of people who control the shares of the syndicate.

The fallacy is that the US or any other western country politicians are in control. They are playing a narrative role. They are the left vs right smokescreen which keeps the people occupied while their nations are looted. The heads of state are sponsored. The politicians have a loosely assigned script to work from. They are team players or they are gone.  They are figureheads, mascots, puppets, shills, middle men. They are the face of the money men who control their every action. Most of their people are not sophisticated or educated enough to understand. No one within the realm of their media ownership is going to tell them.

After demonstrating that no audit or financial oversight of any kind will ever be required or allowed, the owners and the controllers of these banks and international networks will now further consolidate their wealth, power and control while the people struggle to repay the debt levied on them. These debts levied upon them without consent are debts created from money out of thin air. Keystrokes on computers have allocated the majority of the worlds wealth to the small cadre of shareholders, the families and people who control this global financial oligarchy.

This consortium can only continue to exist in it’s current form because they have the ability to promote their propaganda via the media they own…for the pittance they hand out to their sycophants and shills.  The people are to be infotained, propagandized and dumbed down. They are discouraged from asking questions. It is now agreed upon that in all the nations they own, any disagreement with the party line makes you the enemy.  They are attempting to project a monolithic culture over the world as they squeeze the people empty.

The truth has become the enemy of the people who own the money, the power, the perception, the politicians and entire nations. This is a very precarious position for the world.

In the seat of power in the nation of the worlds reserve currency, a wholly corrupt and broken architecture now revolves around a constitution which is no longer in effect. The people who control the money control everything. The people are not supposed to notice. They are supposed to be relinquishing their former rights due to a now endless war which has been justified only by their media and sponsored sycophant organizations and think tanks.

The people are to be arguing among themselves about left vs right while both parties appear to be indistinguishable in their relationship with the banks, the money and the power, and everything that translates into something that matters. The people are conditioned to be following the instructions during these wars of conquest for which the consent they manufactured and paid for.

A constant barrage of propaganda has been inflected on the citizens of the world by the media networks owned by these consortium’s as they plot their path to own and control everything.

These wars of conquest, this hijacking of entire armies by the people who control the money, the power and the perception, these wars that further decimate the balance sheets of their countries of origin serve only to further enrich this global syndicate at the people’s expense. The corruption is entrenched. It is systemic. It will not go away on it’s own.

The wars are for profit and control. They are for the expansion of central banks and to create new central banks owned by the same interests. The reasons for the wars are entirely manufactured by their sycophants and their media. They own the politicians. They own the armies. They own the people.

Regardless of what country you live in they tell you to be afraid. They tell you to be willing to make sacrifices to support the continued existence of the ever fewer ever more powerful financial institutions which the politicians and you are all now beholden to. They are filling everyone full of themselves.

The pre eminent property owned by this global financial oligarchy remains for now, the USA. Amid a so called endless war against their enemies, they have engaged the military machine of the USA in three wars.

The first engagement ostensibly justified by the consent they manufactured and now the worlds opium population and vast natural resource reserves are under their ownership. The second war was to free a population from a tyrant although millions of them have now been killed or displaced, and all suffer a lower quality of life. Meanwhile the financial consortium in control of the armies now owns the banks and the oil while the citizens in the US footed the bill for their conquest and expansion.

In 2011 we now enter a third conflict to free another people and the rebels in their spare time have already set up a new central bank. Please don’t think.

This global syndicate, this financial oligarchy is so powerful it can command the US armed forces as a policy enforcement tool. It can manufacture the consent to commit whatever act it desires, to gain more money, more power, and more control over everything. This syndicate makes politicians dance like puppets. They are there because they are saleable to the populations. Given a properly created media persona, the serfs are willing to go along with the narrative. The politicians who are selected and promoted into contention by their media are  easy to blackmail and keep in line because they are all criminals or deviants or both, who will unwaveringly display their loyalty to the New Bolsheviks or else.

These people who own and control everything will soon send representatives to their media to tell you that a global currency is necessary. They will tell you a central global financial authority is necessary to consolidate their power and control over the world and that this is good. They will manufacture a reason why you must support it and their media will sing the praises of it. You will be put on notice that your way of life is changing and that your austerity and sacrifice is required.

Your quality of life as a citizen of any of the participant countries  is set to diminish in every way from the quality of the food you eat, to the purchasing power of any remaining disposable income. You will be used until you are used up. At the same time a handful of global financial oligarchs, the families who control these entities will all live a lifestyle approximating or eclipsing royalty as they rule over their global serfdom, with their ownership transcending any national boundaries.

Coming soon to you, a New World Order which you can see but at the same time are told does not exist….

We will all soon be living in a totalitarian world of a global central bank from which a world government in drag is projected. The local politicians, the heads of state having all now been reduced to foot lickers, taking their orders from the people who now project power globally via control of the nations they own. The world will be reduced to a global police state, or anarchy.

The head of the IMF, a member of the communist party will make the rules and allocate the wealth to his global financial network of oligarchs who represent the shareholders of these entities. You will be told it is necessary. You will be told it is good. You will be encouraged not to think. You will wake up one day financially enslaved and having relinquished all your freedoms. You and your government will owe them everything. They will make the rules because they own the politicians. They will tell you what to think because they own the media. New wars will start in their continued conquest. Something terrible will have happened to the only world we all have to live in.

Meet the New Bolsheviks.

For further reading, please see Who Owns the Federal Reserve and Why Don’t You Know

A simple cost effective radiant floor heating system

January 8, 2011 3 comments
Categories: alternative energy

the split

December 24, 2010 32 comments

crossing the chasm

EarthBlog News



As we move ahead into 2011, one theme presented is a matrix like split in western societies, particularly in the US. This split revolves around a corporate media portrayal of the world where reality is landscaped by an ideology, and by an actual reality that increasingly diverges from that untouchable paradigm of media concocted “truth”.

In this synthesized version of reality revolving around ideals such as fan worship, celebrity gossip and political correctness, independent or critical thinking is discouraged. Inconvenient events are to be quickly forgotten or deconstructed into an unrelated chain of events.

There is now rarely any mention of the two wars the US is currently fighting, one being the longest in US history. There are no images  of Detroit on TV, where garbage collection has now ceased and trash is piled up in the streets 30 feet high. There are no live video reports of 8,000 formerly middle class families now living in the woods in tents in three counties surrounding Orlando Florida. There is no mention of miles of sub surface oil slicks poisoning our air and water.  There are no warnings about toxic seafood. There is no discussion about lives and generations old ways of life that have been destroyed by greed and corruption.  85 percent of US college graduates are returning home after graduation jobless and saddled up with a lifetime student loan debt but you have to read about that outside the corporate medias realm.  The truth has become bad for business.

From the corporate media there are instead sound bites, bright lights, smiling faces, and corporate media news lies built around an ideological and political agenda.  Anyone in the media who fails to dutifully execute the party line propaganda is quickly un personed. Any high profile figure who dares to contradict the party line encounters a vindictive character assassination by the people who formulate everything you think you know.  The “experts” they promote are professors of fraud, quite often of the now thoroughly debunked Keynesian economic theory kind.

There is a new elephant in the room, and it is the schism, the chasm, this huge divide; the split between what people are supposed to be thinking according to monolithic power obsessed media moguls, and what’s really going on. Already in 2010 several surveys showed that a majority of Americans no longer believe the government even has the continued authority to govern. The approval rating of the people’s representatives has been languishing barely into double digits for years, and over 2 ostensibly different regimes. The standard of living of the average citizen in the west has taken a nosedive, with Americans being particularly hard hit. The banks control an ever larger share of national GDP, yet they do not make anything or provide any societal benefit. Instead they provide enslavement of a nation via credit creation. The elitist banking class are wholly parasitic by nature and yet they run the world. They exist solely by skimming money from other people, or by creating money out of nothing then collecting interest. It is no wonder ways of life and standards of living of ordinary people are being sacrificed. There is a finite wealth in the world and it is increasingly being allocated to the banking class, by the banking class, at the expense of everyone else in the world.

So today there is one segment of society worldwide who still unquestioningly takes the big government party line dope and manufactured government statistics, and one segment where the machine has lost some or all of it’s credibility. The manufactured version of reality now bumps up against what is actually happening in the world. This group of believers and non believers are encouraged to fight among themselves as the divide between the truth and media professed reality grows.

The group of believers who erroneously assume that the government and banking class operate in their best interest continually shrinks however as they are personally touched by the fraud, deceit and corruption which are the three pillars of the emerging plutocracy.  As we go forward, the lies are already out in the open for anyone willing to open their eyes.

We have already seen austerity inspired riots and labor strikes in Iceland, Ireland, Greece, Italy, the UK and France. The increasingly large group of non believers are rioting over a banking class takeover and imposed austerity, theft of their formerly guaranteed pensions or sale of national assets to the banking elites.

Simultaneously, the US is quietly being suffocated. The people are dulled by prozac and flouride. They are drowned in an ocean of celebrity gossip, fansmanship and genetically engineered food proven to kill or injure the unsuspecting mammals who consume it. For the remaining believers, their entire reality is now rooted in deceit and lies, in ignorance and racism;  in religious ideology or media inspired hate;  in a left vs right smokescreen. Everything they believe, everything they think they know, is mostly rooted in lies, propaganda and disinformation. The plutocrats believe they are acting as divine gods on this planet and that the ignorant masses are sub human beasts to be told noble lies and used until they are used up. The chasm, the split, is the gaping wound between truth and illusion.

There is a revolving door between the oligarchs and the government.  Corporate rock star CEO’s now endeavor to patent nature or make a killing on war while looting the corporations they run. Bankruptcy is a tool used to shaft the employees, creditors and shareholders.  One hand shakes the other in a corrupt corporate America protected and in some cases financed by taxpayers themselves. The private for profit banking system owns the treasury and exploits it’s control of the people’s labor via the creation of unlimited debt. The people, the useless eaters are mostly apathetic, detached and clueless as to the forces shaping their own destiny.  They are in effect the enemy of the plutocrats. They are to be placated and entertained; used and used up.

The man elected to change all of this increased the size of the wars he was elected to end. Instead of promised change, there has been more of the same. More lies, more greed, more corruption, more skimming of the wealth from the people to the banking elite and plutocrats.  These oligarchs hide behind bulletproof glass and fly learjets to secret meetings. They skim the people’s wealth and host lavish parties where the cost exceeds the lifetime income of many people in this world.

Everything that has happened since the people’s hope for change came on board has benefited not the population of the world, but this small group of financial elitists who own the entire political body, set the policy and make the rules. They rule from behind a curtain of fraud, deceit, corruption amid a sponsored media festival of lies. The real brokers of money, power and policy create money out of thin air and operate in the shadows, off limits from any focus or disclosure in the media empires they own or control. The entire political body are but a hapless host of stewards on a ship of fools, cowering in fear of the media and the money which owns and sponsors them all.

The media vetted so called “leader of the free world” is a powerless obedient mascot dishing out tyranny and loyal only to the money interests who own him. He controls nothing and is told what to think and what to do by corporate lobbyists and special interests. Should he wander from his assigned script, a character assassination would be promptly performed by the corporate media who he relies on to maintain his power.

The propaganda is all propelled into public consciousness from an increasingly monolithic global mega media propaganda machine which operates as a privatized version of state sponsored media. Debates are framed. PR and ideological opinions are bought and sold then disguised as news. Lies are sold as the truth. Ignorance is sold as a virtue.

With this tremendous loss of trust in the media and government worldwide, on comes the head of the US department of Homeland Security via a wide screen tv at the local wal mart. The attorney general warns you to be very afraid. The TSA is strip searching you and your children. Random shakedowns on the DC subway.  More rules. More restrictions. More forfeited rights. More permissions being revoked. Anyone critical of the emerging elitist plutocracy finds themselves to be the enemy. As the propaganda migrates to the internet, we have TSA shills trolling the blog comments and a 2 billion dollar PR budget for the government to propagandize the people with their own money.

Out of the ashes of a complete loss of trust and a 2 billion dollar propaganda budget is born a new modern day robin hood wearing white. He does whirlwind media tours. He publishes credible leaks that damage everyone except the people in charge. The people are like clay. They are easily molded and shaped. What they believe to be true is subject to what they are taught to believe by the oligarchs who control the media and the creation of money.

So the world today is a giant theater production where the BBC and FOX news release 20 minutes in advance the news that WTC7 has collapsed on the day of the New Pearl Harbor. In 2010 we have Joe Lieberman telling us why we needn’t be concerned that WTC7 collapsed defying a host of laws of physics in the process or that every law regarding a crime scene investigation was violated. There is no mention in the media machine of peer reviewed scientific papers showing high technology high explosive residue in the dust.  There is no mention of any of the important information people need to know to make informed decisions.

The single event that changed everything has proven to be a lie which now has to be protected. An ideological agenda has been put forth. America has been subverted from the inside by the banking class. The people’s wealth has been destroyed or is being confiscated. In Orwellian doublespeak the ever larger group of non believers are labeled as domestic dissidents, terrorists, radicals, and extremists when the people in charge are the ones who are all of those things.

Thomas Jefferson warned us it would happen. He knew this because the founders of the US were revolting against an aristocratic banking class authoritarian rule by the same banking aristocracy lineages who have now subverted and anonymously control the once free USA.

British tyranny via control of the money has caught up with America once again in the 21st century. The now global banking aristocracy is attempting to shift the wealth of the world to itself through a shell game where assets of countries are traded for notes manufactured out of thin air backed only by the labor of the same citizens forced to accept the fraud. This is a world where armies are policy enforcement or asset acquisition tools of the plutocrats. This is a world where the people providing the labor to fund the machine are to be used until they are used up. Their toil and their labor is only to fund the lavish lifestyle of a plutocratic elite.

So as we begin 2011, we move headlong into a world where the real truth is becoming nearly impossible to discern. The need for protection is blanketing and permeating every aspect of the lives of ordinary people. Governments living off of printing presses are getting larger, more authoritarian, more dangerous and more bankrupt. The world moves towards a single currency with few alternatives where global power and control can be consolidated. The people all suffer. Standards of living decline. Real wealth decreases. Social problems, crime and drug use increase. Western society continues a slow rot, a decay, amid an insolvent banking system that owns a media wing from which the false flag terror propaganda is catapulted by the oligarchs. The giant suffocating squid tells you to spy on your neighbors and be very afraid.

As an ordinary participant in a western world society, the party is over. Your former way of life is being revoked under the guise of an endless war waged by criminals wielding fake terror and posing as your savior and protectors. There is nothing you can do about it except to get out of the way.

Protected: opting out – July 2010 Green Acres Update

July 15, 2010 Enter your password to view comments.

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Categories: Uncategorized

A spiral water wheel in pictures

July 11, 2010 8 comments

Design submitted by Eb Dawson
Somewhere in the Mountains
The first in a series of living comfortably off your land
the realization of an engineering design modeled in google sketchup and constructed on site
EarthBlog News

A spiral water wheel in pictures


A spiral water wheel capable of pumping to 24 foot head (volume determined by rpm) with integrated two level water tower. Level 1 and 2 irrigation water storage drums to be added upon completion and service entry in spring 2011. Level 2 tank provides continuous drip irrigation to garden. Level 1 tank provides 15 psi and 55 gallon instantaneous capacity.

Close up shows concrete base with embedded 6×6 main support column. Water wheel pivot arm = 2 2x6x14′ pressure treated yellow pine with two 6x6x1′ binding blocks. Main pivot bearing is 5/8 heat treated steel drilled and hammered through main support pole and bolted through pivot arm.

Close up shows pickup tube and 75 feet of 3/4 inch pvc collector tubing, water comes out of main stainless steel 2 inch drive shaft with 2 inch pillow block bearings which are bolted through 2x10x2′  main axle support board with 4 1/2 inch galvanized steel bolts.

Shows ladder to top level where irrigation water storage drum will sit

Close up of main drive shaft with water coming out. Rotating  hydraulic  bearing will pump water 16 feet from creek level into top water storage barrel. Welded 3/4 inch ss main tube water entry flange (opposite side) not shown. Guy wire can be seen which lifts arm out of water for maintenance or in inclement weather. Guy wire runs from arm end to trailer winch on main support arm.

Wheel is 8′ in diameter and has 12 1′ x 2′ paddles material is cedar and pine painted with epoxy enamel. Central hub is 3/4 advantech. Secured to main shaft with welded flange and 4 1/2 inch stainless bolts with ss lock nuts.

Close up of central hub assembly showing guy wire

Pickup tube is 2 1/2 inch lightweight PVC

Full view showing upper and lower towers, winch handle on main pole, 2 8×16 concrete brick counterweight on main arm.

Single hub 12 paddle spiral water wheel with integrated two level water tower and controllable pivot arm established as prior art Saturday Jul 10, 2010

Categories: Uncategorized

Investing and Philosophy: understanding the three stages of truth

By Phil  Osophy


Investing and Philosophy: understanding the three stages of truth

All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

A short essay which equates secular market timing to the three stages of truth

“Investing” has to do with the psychology of human beings. Understanding the three stages of truth can help enormously in understanding the financial markets, or anything else for that matter.

This essay uses the term “investing”, very loosely because it’s meaning has become muddled.  Todays 24 hour global on line financial markets much more accurately depict a legalized on line gaming environment. If there was any truth in advertising, qualified participants (people who have money qualify) could click on buy, sell, on line poker, horse races or craps. There is no reason they shouldn’t all be on the same screen.

Baby boomers now beginning to think of retiring grew up watching Mutual of Omaha’s Wild kingdom and were sold on the idea that their mutual funds would provide for it by nice people with expensive desks. The idea was that if you “invested for the long term”, your real wealth would compound. Merrill Lynch was bullish on America. They never said if they were bullish on themselves.  It is now obvious that this was all a con job, but the idea is disputed. Similarly, the idea that the global financial markets have devolved into a legalized gaming casino is past the stage of denial, and now the obvious truth is being met with a lot of opposition, mostly by all the interests vested in it. So these are two examples where we are currently on the second phase of truth.

Back to the point…

The fields of advertising and public relations have grown more potent, omnipotent and omnipresent. Everyone in the world, market participant or not,  is subject to a 24 hour PR cycle. Markets are linked globally and trading on ninety something percent leverage amplify the “news”(PR). The markets routinely have exaggerated daily movements of several percentage points as market participants try to estimate relative values by buying and selling at the speed of light and up to 99 percent leverage. The whole thing is driven by perception, belief and confidence…and it’s amplified by a debt based fiat currency system.

using the three stages of truth for practical purposes…

The first stage of truth is always met with denial. Human psychology…”the crowd”, collectively never want to acknowledge what is right under their nose. The crowd is always herd like. George Orwell wrote “to see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle”.  To do that requires independent thinking. In order to operate in the first stage of truth, by definition this expresses an opinion that is counter to the collective opinion.

George Soros wrote, “markets influence events they anticipate”. That is certainly true, until it isn’t. In other words, the real estate bubble, in the second stage of truth, was still influencing the event (higher prices) they were anticipating. By the time the third stage of truth came along, the market was collapsing. So the market participants collectively had to go from anticipating higher prices, to anticipating lower prices, and that happened because of the third stage of truth, which was only achieved by the market beginning to collapse. The actual root cause of this particular collapse (rising interest rates and unpayable debts), are what finally tipped this unsustainable bubble from the second to the third stage of truth.

Some would argue it all comes down to the math, and ultimately you would expect math to dictate events, but because of the three stages of truth, the math can take a back seat for long periods in the interim.  For example, the debt and future obligations of the US government (as well as many other governments today running fiat currencies) are far too large to ever be repaid except in greatly inflated dollars. So this item is currently in the second stage of truth. In spite of the fact that this debt is an order of magnitude too large to be repaid, and despite the fact that this is staring everyone in the face, the value of the currency has yet to collapse against real things because the truth is being violently opposed.  So despite the fact it is obvious that this debt cannot be repaid, people with vested interests in it will defend it’s legitimacy here in the second stage of truth.

When Bernie Madoff’s NASDAQ was peaking out around 10 years ago, it was supposed to go on forever. This new dot com era changed the whole game. “It was different this time”. It always is in the first stage of truth. Then there was the real estate bubble where anyone with a pulse could get a zero down loan because it was obvious that real estate prices would go up forever and would never go down. Supposedly intelligent people at the time would come on TV and say that. So these are both examples of things that were all right under everyone’s nose. First the truths were met with denial and ridicule, then in the second stage of truth met with opposition. In other words, when the real estate market began to collapse, that idea was met with extreme skepticism. Following that, in the third stage of truth after the collapse, it is now obvious to everyone that it was an unsustainable bubble.

A key point is that only hindsight offers the actual truth and even then is subject to historical revision.  So that’s the problem with any trading system. At the first stage, is the truth being met with denial because it’s either the truth or is the hypothesis simply wrong. Things that are wrong will also be met with denial because they were not the truth.

By definition, the application of this idea requires you have to have the ability, conviction, confidence and correctness to see the truth when that truth is the subject of denial and ridicule. It it is not the subject of ridicule, then either it is not the truth or it is already in the second stage of truth.

Famed investor Jim Rogers was once quoted as saying “buy value sell hysteria”. This is another example of the stages of truth. Value occurs in the first stage of truth. When Gold was trading below $300, people buying gold and gold derivatives were the subject of ridicule from the herd. Hysteria occurs during the second stage of truth. The stage where it’s obvious that this cannot continue forever, and despite that, it is continuing, and being defended against criticism. When the hysteria peaks, when the hypocrisy of the defenders becomes too great then the hysteria ends, the bubble bursts, and the third stage of truth is achieved. The short seller would of course, also like to sell in the transition phase between the second and third stages of truth.

Summarizing this idea, financial markets are legalized casinos with credit up to 99 percent of the purchase price and available on demand. Psychology and herd behavior drive the markets. They operate on belief and confidence or lack thereof…. according to the three stages of truth. Market relationships are purely a product of perception, belief, and confidence. Those all follow the three stages of truth. The efficient market theory is wrong and only still used by ivory tower academics, not successful market participants.

Using the three stages of truth for practical purposes, ideally a position would be initiated in the first stage of truth and held through the second stage when it is being met by opposition. Then, the position is terminated or reversed at the transition to third stage of truth, when it is obvious to everyone what the truth is.


I write to you from a disgraced profession « Real-World Economics Review Blog
[filed under: failed financial system, John Maynard Keynes, Fraud, flat earth Economics professors]
The following is the text of  James Galbraith‘s written statement to members of the Senate Judiciary Committee delivered a few days ago.
I write to you from a disgraced profession. Economic theory, as widely taught since the 1980s, failed miserably to understand the forces behind the financial crisis. Concepts including “rational expectations,” “market discipline,” and the “efficient markets hypothesis” led economists to argue that speculation would stabilize prices, that sellers would act to protect their reputations, that caveat emptor could be relied on, and that widespread fraud therefore could not occur. Not all economists believed this – but most did.

Protected: Green Acres update

May 8, 2010 Enter your password to view comments.

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Categories: Uncategorized

the failure of markets and behaviors as speculators

April 25, 2010 8 comments


the failure of markets and behaviors as speculators

“All truth passes through three stages.  First, it is ridiculed.  Second, it is violently opposed.  Third, it is accepted as self-evident” – Arthur Schopenhauer philosopher

The Federal Reserve Corporation (FED) today regularly intervenes in the currency markets via swaps, open market operations. etc. with other global central banks and other market participants.

The short term interest rate is regularly set and maintained by the FED and it’s open market operations.

The FED now also openly admits buying their own debt as quantitative easing. This serves to suppress long term interest rates thus, directly influencing the long term interest rate markets, and the real estate market.

Thus, the FED today manipulates the prices of assets from currencies to real assets.

In some circles (mostly only in the corporate media where board members are also wall street executives) it is still a subject of debate whether or not the FED and the Treasury have adopted a policy of intervening in the stock market to promote stability and market confidence.  From stories about the PPT,  to the FED stating that they would use “any means necessary” to stabilize the economy.  From huge market rebounds 5 minutes after a call from the Secretary of the Treasury to the people who profess to be doing gods work, to the CEO of trimtabs stating that he sees no other possibility than government intervention, people will still debate this topic, in the corporate media at least.

Out in the real world, “Don’t fight the FED” extends to market operations in any or all asset classes. The debate is confined only as to how much, when and who.  On the floor, the only entity who isn’t aware of anonymous accounts that can make the market turn at will in Chicago are the regulators. Then again, the regulators are the graduate alumni of the people who appear to need regulating.

The debate doesn’t stop at the share markets however. Recent on the record revelations from a metals trader allege what the so called conspiracy theorists have been saying all along, that there is a conspiracy among the centrals via their member banks to manipulate the price of gold and other metals.  The corporate media chose not to discuss the subject at all.

In looking at the markets as a speculator, the conclusion is that there is more than enough evidence that the FED, the Treasury and the large banks all operate with increasing influence and heavy handedness in all markets.

It has become required to stabilize an unstable system, first as an emergency measure then now as a matter of course and necessity. On the FED’s visible balance sheet there are toxic mortgages and on the invisible balance sheet it is impossible to ascertain what assets they own since they won’t say and have never been audited to force any disclosure.

A larger point, and the subject of this thought experiment is to think about the effects of managed or buffered markets on the psyche of the market participants.

The obvious reflexive idea at work here is that if the market participants believe the system is inherently stable or priced at a certain level on it’s own accord, then confidence in it would be far higher than if the participants believed that it needed intervention to keep it stable. This increased confidence could in itself affect the behavior of the markets when they are exposed to crisis or stress situations.

By reducing the interest rate to and below the real rate of increase in the cost of living, a negative savings rate discourages and even penalizes savings. It makes saving money a guaranteed loss and encourages speculative risk taking with non risk capital in search for a return.

If the market had dived during the 2008 period this could have permanently altered risk models and permissible leverage going forward. It could have reduced investor risk tolerance. It could have caused an even greater loss of confidence in the US capital markets resulting in unacceptable side effects from insolvency to failure of the entire system.

Knowing all this, is it possible that the FED or the Treasury have introduced a false sense of investor security by financing open market operations via a printing press? The implied assumption of course is that the printing press can run forever and as powerfully as necessary to fix any problem that might arise. The current FED chairman stated explicitly and now infamously that the FED could do just that by dropping money(debt)  out of helicopters if necessary.

The reality however is that the printing press cannot print more debt than the capacity to finance it.  We must recognize that reality in the same way that we recognize the FED and the banking system is not a goose that lays golden eggs.  In spite of what the FED chairman would have you believe, it cannot fix any problem by printing any necessary quantity of money, because that is the same as increasing the debt up to and infinitely beyond it’s ability to be repaid.

Because of these facts, it is arguable that both investor psychology as well as quantitative risk models have become skewed and are now RELIANT on the previously mentioned assumptions for it’s continued existence. The implication is that if investor psyche has been manipulated or altered along with the markets, it is not a reliable indicator of future market direction or market stability.  All forward looking indicators could be entirely wrong as a result of reflexive policies and it’s resultant social engineering.

The idea of markets that discount the future by a market consensus based on reliable information becomes flawed. Recognizing the markets are managed is no different than recognizing that investor psyche is also managed. One is a reflection and a reflexive view of the other.

In thinking about all of the above, the next obvious question is, how does an eventual convergence of reality (the FED cannot create an infinite amount of debt to fix any problem) with a belief in golden eggs (the belief that they can and enabled only by the illusions of manipulation) manifest itself?

The answer lies in this fact:

The amount of debt is continuously increased into a geometric progression of diminishing returns as the capacity to buy the ever increasing amount of debt moves ever smaller as a fraction of the debt required to maintain and inflate the balloon.

Thus it can be argued as it was in two possible paths with the same endpoint that we have an unstable and technically defunct system masquerading as a stable system. This current divergence can be reconciled either through asset value inflation, or through failure via mass insolvency. If it is reconciled through inflation it will appear as decay over a long period of time leading to chaos and civil instability due to a standard of living collapse. If it is reconciled through mass insolvency it will appear as a rapid onset of the same thing.

Filed under: markets

For nations living the good life, the party’s over, IMF says
By Howard Schneider
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, April 24, 2010

Greece hit by new riots as pressure grows to quit euro
By Christopher Leake
25th April 2010
Support for the bail-out of debt-ridden Greece was in doubt last night, leaving the country on the brink of financial meltdown as top German politicians said it  should be forced to quit the euro. Riots erupting during workers’ protests over planned public spending cuts, just hours after Greek Premier George Papandreou sought emergency £35billion of loans from eurozone countries and the International Monetary Fund. The Greek government was finally forced to ask for international help after the cost of its borrowing spiralled to a new high, making it prohibitively expensive to borrow money to service existing debts.

Lawmakers: Military could quell Chicago violence
CHICAGO — Two Illinois lawmakers say violence has become so rampant in Chicago that the National Guard must be called in to help. Chicago Democratic Reps. John Fritchey and LaShawn Ford made a public plea to Gov. Pat Quinn on Sunday to deploy troops.

From the Sky, Detroit Looks Like Sarajevo
Chris Hansen traveled to Detroit, Michigan for a Dateline special that aired tonight on the state of what is probably America’s most desolate city. And in aerial footage—devastation porn at its best—Detroit’s grim plight was revealed. Video inside. “Today, from the air, parts of Detroit look like a war zone,” Hansen said in a voiceover near the beginning of the special, before he listed some of the most shocking facts about the city’s current state—the population is less than half of what it was decades ago; there are 400 liquor stores there, but only eight supermarkets—all while panning shots of the consequences of its deterioration flashed on the screen.

Marc Faber – Governments are Going Bust!
Greenspan Wanted Housing-Bubble Dissent Kept Secret
05- 3-10
As top Federal Reserve officials debated whether there was a housing bubble and what to do about it, then-Chairman Alan Greenspan argued that dissent should be kept secret so that the Fed wouldn’t lose control of the debate to people less well-informed than themselves. “We run the risk, by laying out the pros and cons of a particular argument, of inducing people to join in on the debate, and in this regard it is possible to lose control of a process that only we fully understand,” Greenspan said, according to the transcripts of a March 2004 meeting.

ECB President Favors Global Governance
April 29, 2010
The President of the European Central Bank, Jean-Claude Trichet, told Forbes that global governance is extremely necessary if we want to prevent another financial crisis. In his prepared printed and spoken remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations, Trichet emphasized that politicians, economists, and financiers must work across the Atlantic and collaborate on methods to create an international set of standards.

Rigged-Market Theory Scores a Perfect Quarter: Jonathan Weil
by Jonathan Weil
May 13 (Bloomberg) — Score another triumph for the rigged- market theory. In a feat that would seem to defy the odds, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America this week each said its trading desk made money every day of the first quarter. Goldman said its daily net trading revenue topped $100 million 35 times last quarter out of 63 trading days. JPMorgan and Bank of America disclosed similar eye-popping stats. Citigroup, too, recorded a profit on each trading day, Bloomberg News reported, citing unnamed people who knew the results.
Exclusive: The Bank Of England Engaged In Flagrant Gold Manipulation In The Interwar Period Via The New York Fed; Does History Repeat Itself?
Tyler Durden
An article written by University of Tennessee professor John R Garrett, “Monetary Policy and Expectations: Market-Control Techniques and the Bank of England, 1925-1931”, which describes in exquisite detail the gold falsification measures undertaken by the Bank of England in the interwar period in order to impact interest rates in a favorable direction, performed with the full criminal complicity of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, may mean paranoid “gold bugs” could soon be forever absolved of their “tin hat” wearing status as outright gold, and other data, manipulation by a major central bank is now proven beyond doubt. The implications regarding the possibility of comparable deceitful and treasonous acts by modern central bankers are staggering.
German Economics Minister Confirms Fed Manipulates The FX Market
by Tyler Durden
The German Economics Minister Rainer Bruederle has just confirmed precisely what many have known and said for years, namely that the US Federal Reserve is active in the secondary markets, in this particular case in FX.

boxes of talk

April 17, 2010 12 comments

Guest Editorial
By Lotta Questions
EarthBlog News©
Tiny URL

boxes of talk

Editors note: This post is being regularly updated with new footnotes

Turn on the TV, turn on the radio, plug in the internet…big box of talk. Label after label after label. Talk, talk and more talk. I have a lot of questions, and some ideas regarding why according to recent polling data a staggeringly low 4 percent of the public supports the establishment political class[10], why only 8 percent would re elect an incumbent lawmaker[11], why just 21% believe U.S. Government has the consent of the governed[12] , why 4 out of 5 Americans don’t trust Washington[13], and why nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a “major threat” to their freedoms[14].

With the government, big business, big banking and big media all seeming like one in the same today, some analysts have argued this is Mussolini’s definition of fascism[2]. It is clear that the same small group of faces rotate into one position from out of another position and no matter how bad any of them screw up, you still see the same faces. There is no debate about that.

These elite are free to break laws and commit crimes right out in the open and nothing bad ever happens to them. There is no accountability, there is no punishment [21]. Public elected officials break laws and change laws and embezzle money and slosh taxpayer money back and forth among themselves and their friends and no matter how egregious the crimes,  no matter how on the record and absolutely wrong they have been, no matter how many people they have killed or how many lives they have wrecked or how fabulously wealthy they have become in the process of doing so, they are still the same people in and out of a revolving door all smiling and patting each other on the back while congratulated and treated with the utmost respect by the corporate media [22].

Other labels being thrown around in the past few years to explain this transformation are oligarchy, plutocracy, kleptocracy, aristocracy, socialism, totalitarianism, empire, and more[3,4,5,6,7,31]. The defective establishment media mirror uses the implausible argument for everything being different  “it’s the same as it ever was” or “what are you even talking about?”. It’s almost like a corporate media induced mass hypnosis is in effect and has gripped the entire nation.

“Just move on nothing to see here”.

With the government takeover of housing and now owning many of the largest public corporations, some have argued a tilt towards communism, although no one seems comfortable using that label. No two situations are ever the same however, and none of these labels seem to completely capture the transformation taking place in the United States over not months or years but over decades and accelerating during the past decade.[9,23]

The people of the United States typically call themselves one of two labels, either republicans or democrats. The interesting thing about that is that nationwide, for the past decade now under the stewardship of each of the labels, the public approval ratings of congress and the administration have been arguably about as low as they can be and recently dipping into the single digits for public approval for the first time ever[11]. Something is definitely wrong and no one seems to know what to call it[23,25].


So despite what everyone is calling themselves, according to the polls, the citizens themselves don’t seem to be very happy about how things are going. Is there a label for that?  Is it a disaffected-detached-ocracy? Maybe it is a so-busy-trying-to-get-by-you-can’t-keep-up-ocracy? Maybe it’s a

knuckleheadsarguingamongthemselveswhilethecountryistransformedandlootedocracy? [30]

What kind of ocracy is this????

When did we cross the threshold from where there was any party or politician which stood for small limited government, small government spending, free enterprise and a government like the US had decades ago that mostly stayed out of the way of it’s citizens? What about a government for the people? There is apparently no one for the people today. Today it seems to be an all out contest for who can suck up the most to the most special interest payola while simultaneously lying their asses off to the people they are supposedly representing[10].

There is no one who will be allowed to be a legitimate contender by the established media, party, and banking system who doesn’t support the status quo. You can even be elected on a platform of change people hope for, and then completely ignore everything you said. How convenient. What kind of a message is sent to the people when someone is elected on a platform of lies? Exactly what point was it where lying about everything to the people became ok and even necessary[1,9]?

Politicians in DC will blame things like a “bad economy” for their current record low approval ratings. It seems obvious that when a candidate is elected on a platform of change the population was desperately hoping for,  they expect delivery. After the systematic dismantling of the constitution by the previous administration, the new administration turned out to be more or less exactly the same. What happens when only 4% support the status quo[10], and you get more status quo no matter which handle you pull? Do they lose another 50% of their base and go to 2%? That could continue until you need scientific notation to express their percentage of support. Then what?

The Judicial branch. Their contribution was to officially terminate the republic in 2010 by allowing unlimited corporate campaign contributions. It’s hard to say if that bothered people because most people still don’t know about it. The corporate media didn’t talk very much about allowing their unlimited corporate contributions for their sponsored choices.  So the same wars are still going on, the same policies are in place, and the same people are running things.  So maybe some people are disappointed about that? It is certainly possible.  Could this explain the hopelessness citizens are recording in surveys? If so what do you call that?

Could mortgaging the country’s future to bail out some arrogant bankers who lost all their money have caused some loss of trust? I don’t think bailing out the banking system so they could then in turn make record profits was the kind of change people were hoping for. I could be wrong about that. People can understand how things have improved dramatically for the bankers on wall street with now record profits and bonuses, but the people who are home unemployed because their factory shut down aren’t buying it. They aren’t buying anything because they have no money. What is that called? Can we throw a label and a sound bite on that….please?

You can’t just “run” for office today. Lets be serious. The corporate media would have you believe you can just throw your hat into the ring and off you go. You need this giant political machine behind you to grease every palm along the way. You have to be sponsored and vetted by the media before anyone even hears your name. If you cross any of the medias agendas or sponsors you are political toast within 48 hours. Votes are bought and sold like trading cards. As a citizen,  you basically have to be for someone who is more or less the same as everyone else with an expertly crafted public persona. What is the word for that? The label oligarchy doesn’t seem to do justice to that much concentration of wealth, power and deceit. A so called two party system with no real choice is totalitarianism in drag[6]. Please vote for your favorite candidate. Then expect the same thing no matter which lever you pull. You get vanilla or french vanilla with sprinkles. Take your ice cream cone and move on.

Maybe it’s a one-big-vampire-thing-ocracy?

Regardless of political parties, one thing is clear to every person who has been living in the US for more than a few years. There are ever more rules. they keep making new rules, and they never take any of the old rules away. There are more fees, and more taxes, and more things that used to be free that are no longer free, things that now require a license, a certification, an approval, something you used to be allowed to do but are no longer allowed to do,  or some other kind of relinquishment of a former right. There is a nanny state which dictates to you what where when how and why to do just about everything you are supposed to do.

You got a problem with that?

Well then, apply for a permit and after paying the necessary fees and getting the necessary approvals you might be able to hold up a sign in a pre defined fenced off area back there by the dumpsters that says “I do not approve of all of this, I think I’m starting to know how people living in the soviet union felt”. Maybe. Storm troopers in riot gear would be deployed to stand next to you to ensure you didn’t wave the sign or otherwise cause any hazard to the public who needs protecting.

What is it called when a country goes from being a decent place to live to some sort of paranoid, locked down disneyworld where nothing is real and all the people are making less, paying more, requiring permits and fees and approvals to do anything? What do you call that?

This vampire squid nanny state tells you what to do, and how much it will cost you in fees, fines, or whatever if you don’t do it exactly that way. It assumes you cannot think for yourself and you need to be protected from yourself and everyone else. It means you are not competent to run your life so the nanny state will run it for you. It prohibits and inhibits small business due to taxation, regulation, barriers to entry and cost of operation. It destroys the simple civil rights Americans used to take for granted one by one and little by little like breaking rocks until nothing is left but a pile of dust. It gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger until it runs out of food which is in this case money[15].

The book of rules have become so large and so onerous that the only thing you can be sure of is that despite your best intentions, you are probably breaking some rules right now that you don’t even know about. At the same time you will be considered negligent if you don’t know what they are.  The only constant is ever more rules and an ever larger government required to enforce and update them.

You are still free to go to work, pay your fees, taxes and watch their corporate programming and sports entertainment or whatever. You can pay only a couple of days salary to watch some corporate whores toss a ball back and forth at corporate field and whoop it up for one color or the other with your fellow buffoons.

This is all true whether you are short or tall, uneducated or educated, higher or lower income, white, black, red or yellow, left or right or anywhere in the middle. It is true whether you worship any god or all gods or no god. Any political or special interest hacks who argue otherwise now sound like a cartoon.  No one can legitimately argue the ever increasing number of rules, fees, permits, restrictions, taxes and regulations and loss of rights[12].

So the government and the politicians are all for one thing. An ever larger government who is your nanny. What is that called? Maybe it is the world takeover by nanny statists? For this reason or that reason or to protect you from bad guys or from your own self, you need a huge book of rules and regulations and it needs to keep getting bigger all the time.

Now you need to get scanned by Acme Corporation x ray scanners to get on an airplane.

Being a good citizen however, you recognize that all of these new rules and regulations and fees and taxes have all been instituted for your own protection and well being. You feel so much better knowing that you need to be protected from enemies of your government that you are willing to relinquish all your former rights and privileges and put up with endless new hassles. It’s all being done for you on your behalf and you appreciate that. It is necessary. That’s what you keep being told at least. Just say duh thanks.

Some have used the term vampire squid to depict an over reaching banking system but it is pretty easy to argue after living here for a few years that the entire thing is a vampire squid.

Post 911 has ushered in new departments and new regulations and new and more of everything that restricts what is permissible or not because now you need to be protected from people living in caves, or something like that. The general idea I think was that some hard drinking devout muslims who liked strip clubs and Jack Abramoff’s casino??? came out of their caves and went to flight school, became marginal pilots and on their first attempt defeated the entire NORAD air defense system, all airport security, and flew two sophisticated jumbo jets perfectly into the sides of buildings pulverizing them into dust and defying a whole host of laws of physics in the process. Following that, the only thing remaining were passports from the hijackers, which somehow did not turn to dust but instead fluttered to the ground intact, were picked up by an anonymous passer by and delivered to the NYPD. The whole mess was then hauled off to China in the blink of an eye violating every written rule regarding a crime scene investigation. A bunch of still unidentified parties made a fortune in the options markets from foreknowledge[29], the building owners were generously compensated and I lost track of the rest of the story line a while back. It was getting too complicated.

The main character was a guy with a name I couldn’t pronounce popping in and out of caves and issuing death threats every time the population needs a good scare. I don’t know if they ever caught him or not. I have heard also that we are still in two wars as a result of all of that, one now being the longest in US history. I’m not sure. They don’t talk about it on TV any more.

So to the best of my knowledge, you are supposed to see a Hollywood style demolition which changes every aspect of your life as a citizen for the worse, and not ask any questions. Sort of like in China you can’t talk about Tienanmen square and in the US you can’t talk about 911 because even if you ask a question, it somehow makes you the enemy or a sympathizer or something along those lines. I don’t know exactly what the rules are regarding that. So what I do is if anyone mentions 911 I just close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears. I don’t want to let any sympathizers in[20].


After using a Pentium class computer and performing billions of calculations to compute your taxes, you have no idea exactly where the money goes, but I know it isn’t nearly enough to feed it, as the national debt accumulates by more than the average individual net worth every second of every day.

So where does this end? Is it tyranny when a population are told exactly how to do everything they have to do in life, or is it only tyranny if what you are expected to tolerate is really bad? If so then who gets to define what “really bad” is? At what point is it, ok, just a pain, really a pain, or really bad?  For example right now, traveling on an airplane is just a pain, compared to say, a root canal. It is however really bad compared to say 1970. So we are dealing with a set of relative issues here and static labels aren’t particularly useful.

Currently, as by every statistic known, the wealth is transferring from the many to the (very) few. How and why exactly is that happening? I’m not talking about lower to higher income either for the political hacks out there reading on the ethernet. No one reading this essay will fall into the group where the wealth is being transferred to. The wealth is being transferred to people whose portfolios contain shares of say, the FED and the Bank of England[15].

Is this wealth and power consolidation all a big accident? It isn’t happening by democrats OR republicans.It’s happening over each so called “party” presiding. Is that related at all to the changes we have seen in government? What is that called?  Some people call it an oligarchy when the many are controlled by the few, but how does the oligarchy get and maintain it’s power? Is that what we have? Is that the reason for all the rules? [24].

Does the vampire squid nanny state power reside in levying so many rules, fees, permits, taxes and regulations that it is the sum total of it all at the root of the increasing oppression? Is that how the vampire squid attacks? Death by 1000 cuts? How does that end up? What is a good name for that? [26]

What should you call it when every thing that comes from the corporate media looks like it was created by the largest growing segment of business in the US, a PR firm?

If the government has already issued debt beyond the people’s capacity to earn enough to repay it, then what does that mean? Does that mean like bankruptcy but you just haven’t filed yet? Do you think everyone soon will be able to add a zero to how much they make creating a remote possibility that the debt could be repaid? So what is it called when a nanny state empire goes bankrupt? What is the name for that?

Maybe it really doesn’t matter what the name is. Maybe it only matters what it is. Maybe you are living through the decline of an empire and the decay associated with that[19]. Empires don’t fail overnight. It can happen so slowly that you fail to see it. The politicians are failing[12], the institutions are failing[18], the society is failing and the economy is failing. The empire is entirely bankrupt both economically[16], and morally[17].

What it is will continue to self destruct on it’s own without any further assistance. It doesn’t require a label.

Filed under: corruption
[1] Ratigan Deconstructs Goldman, Connecticut AG Blumental Wants Criminal Charges Filed
by Tyler Durden

[2] Modern History Sourcebook: Benito Mussolini: What is Fascism, 1932

[3] Socialism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[4] Oligarchy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[5] Plutocracy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[6] Totalitarianism
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[7] Political spectrum
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[8] Organized crime
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[9] Video: 7 Lies In Under 2 Minutes
Wednesday, 30 September 2009

[10] Rasmussen: Mere 4% Support Establishment Political Class
Rasmussen Reports
April 14, 2010

[11] Poll: Only 8 percent support incumbents
By Jordan Fabian
Only 8 percent of adults would reelect incumbent lawmakers, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll.

[12] Only 21% Say U.S. Government Has Consent of the Governed
Thursday, February 18, 2010
The founding document of the United States, the Declaration of Independence, states that governments derive “their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Today, however, just 21% of voters nationwide believe that the federal government enjoys the consent of the governed.

[13] Poll: 4 out of 5 Americans don’t trust Washington
Public confidence in government is at one of the lowest points in a half century, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center. Nearly 8 in 10 Americans say they don’t trust the federal government and have little faith it can solve America’s ills, the survey found.

[14] One third of Americans say own govt a threat: Poll AFP
Mon Apr 19
WASHINGTON (AFP) – Nearly one out of three Americans view the US government as a “major threat” to their freedoms, and four out of five say they don’t trust Washington to solve their problems, according to a new poll out Monday.

[15] who owns the Federal Reserve and why don’t you know?
By Antecedent Insider
EarthBlog News©

[16] The US debt is too large to ever be repaid
January 5, 2010 earthblognews
By Charles Ponzi
EarthBlog News©

[17] U.S. Troops Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video
Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 20, 2010
the Wikileaks video only begins to depict the suffering we have created. From our own experiences, and the experiences of other veterans we have talked to, we know that the acts depicted in this video are everyday occurrences of this war: this is the nature of how U.S.-led wars are carried out in this region.”

[18] The divorce rate in America for first marriage, vs second or third marriage
50% percent of first marriages, 67% of second and 74% of third marriages end in divorce, according to Jennifer Baker of the Forest Institute of Professional Psychology in Springfield, Missouri.”

[19] US Joins Ranks of Failed States
by Paul Craig Roberts

[20] absolute proof of the controlled demolition of WTC7

[21] Downing Street memo
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[22] Cheney/Halliburton Chronology
Published by and

[23] Poll: Americans’ distrust of federal government is deepening
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
A new study released Monday shows Americans have grown more critical, less trusting and even fearful of Uncle Sam since Barack Obama took office. The Pew Research Center poll found Americans reject the idea of an activist government, and a growing number urge its power be curtailed.

[24] Senate Leaders Trade Charges of Improper Relations With Wall Street

Updated April 21, 2010
As the debate over how to reshape federal oversight of the nation’s largest banks heats up, the top Senate leaders of both political parties are finding themselves in a war of words, charging each other with being in bed with Wall Street executives. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has accused Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. John Cornyn, chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, of holding “backroom negotiations” with financial executives in New York earlier this month when they held a private meeting to discuss the impact of the financial overhaul bill. Republicans have returned fire at Reid for holding a recent fundraiser in New York City that was set up by Goldman Sachs President Gary Cohn, a longtime Democrat.

[25] Americans going mad with anger
April 21, 2010
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Maybe Howard Beale was right. Maybe when Peter Finch’s tele-ranter urged his viewers in “Network” to go to their windows and yell, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” into the evening void, he was ahead of his time on the primal scream therapy front. These days, anger in America is such an epidemic that there’s a chat show running on MSNBC this week actually called America the Angry. It’s a good week for it.

[26] Collapse of the Standard of Living in the USA
Studies Reveal Declining Living Standards and Increasing Anger
by Hiram Lee
Global Research, April 24, 2010

[27] Ron Paul Discusses America’s Moral Decline & Economic Collapse (1/2)

[28] Marc Faber – Governments are Going Bust!

[29] Pre-9/11 Put Options on Companies Hurt by Attack Indicates Foreknowledge

[30] the left vs right smokescreen

[31] Kleptocracy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[32] CNN Co-Founder: CNN Is at Risk of Becoming a Bad Joke
By P.J. Gladnick
Wed, 04/28/2010

the corporate media’s continued de legitimization of itself

April 14, 2010 21 comments

By Capacious Awareness
Tiny URL for this article

“Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”- Richard Salent, Former President CBS News.

As noted in a citizens guide to understanding corporate media propaganda techniques, today six global mega corporations control all the media consumed by Americans in the form of Television, Radio, Movies, Music, Newspapers, Magazines and any other form of media outside the internet. For a decade or more, this elitist media mogul cartel has enjoyed a complete monopoly on news and information for the mainstream. The “wrong” ideas, information or opinions have simply been edited out, buried or attacked.

As the internet has come of age however, now people have an alternative to all media produced by a small cabal. While it is arguable that the vast majority of all populations are still programmed by Television, this is changing. Today there is an ever increasing long list of news from the emerging alternative media via blogs, video and audio interviews, forums, messages etc.  Statistics show that more and more people are consuming their news and information from the internet.

One of the most important aspects of this change is a yardstick from which to measure the accuracy of the information being dispensed (and even more importantly not being dispensed) by the media cartel. If day in and day out you are reading news, information and ideas not presented by the cartel, an awareness begins to develop that there is a concerted attempt to control the information flow, attitudes and reality of the information consuming public. A level of distrust begins and as an individual,  an awareness sets in that you are being repeatedly lied to or programmed, with intent. This awareness transcends politics and reveals that the agenda is not one of left or right, but one of the personal agendas of the moguls who own and control the very few, very large media corporations.

Arguably, the most powerful people in the world today are the small cartel of owners of the corporate media. They can make or break politicians of their choosing. They can program the attitudes of the general public. You will believe what they want you to believe through sophisticated dealing of propaganda. Their power has become so concentrated and so awesome, the media moguls have become accustomed to it as if it is an entitlement that goes with the money and power of the positions. It is flaunted in quotes by the moguls themselves.

The important point is this. If you are an internet aware news and information consumer, then you are also aware of the complete failure of the corporate media to cover one important story after another. You are aware of the bias injected into stories they do cover. Each example becomes just one entry in a long line of corporate media self de legitimization.

As people become aware of the corporate bias because of a standard from which to measure against, consumers will, and they are, going elsewhere. Furthermore, with news and information from the private sector being increasingly available and free, this challenges the business model of paid for news and information.

There are a lot of reasons often cited for the decline of the bottom line of the corporate media oligarchy, but self de legitimization is an increasingly important factor as a greater percentage of the worlds population seek free news and information from other sources. The corporate media is rendering itself obsolete. They are being exposed as liars or shills for corporations, special interests, big government and big banking. They are not going to have a viable business model for selling lies and omission as news, because people are unwilling to pay for it.

Good riddance. They have no one to blame but themselves.

filed under: corporate media subversion of a democracy

Fox “news” continues CBS, ABC, CNN propaganda to attack Iran: today’s CIA Operation Mockingbird
April 6
LA County Nonpartisan Examiner
Carl Herman
In the video clip from Fox below, Bill Kristol advocates US military attack on Iran because he predicts that Israel will attack Iran. This is propaganda for an unlawful war for the following “emperor has no clothes” obvious reasons. Fox “reporting” is also a manipulative variation of the same war drone I’ve documented from CBS, ABC, and CNN.* The US-created treaty of the UN legally forbids armed attack unless a nation’s government is attacking the US or there is imminent threat of attack. IAEA confirms all of Iran’s nuclear material is used for legal energy and medical isotopes; there is no threat of an attack from Iran. Therefore, US military attack is an unlawful War of Aggression; the worst crime a nation can commit, and in violation of US treaty and the US Constitution. All US military have an oath to support and defend the US Constitution and trained to refuse unlawful orders. Those with authority are obligated to arrest those who issue unlawful orders. The end of Wars of Aggression is the victory of all Americans who sacrificed in WW2. Fox allows Mr. Kristol’s advocacy of unlawful war and rejection of this victory for peace. Fox’s lie of omission to not discuss the laws of war is not accidental; it is war propaganda.

Collateral Murder – Wikileaks – Iraq

U.S. Troops Apologize For Wikileaks Massacre Video

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, April 20, 2010
Former U.S. Army specialists Josh Stieber and Ethan McCord have now publicly apologized for the massacre, expressing in an open letter to the Iraqi people their sorrow at the incident while pointing out that it represents just one example of the brutal suffering inflicted on the Iraqis since the March 2003 invasion. “We are both soldiers who occupied your neighborhood for 14 months. Ethan McCord pulled your daughter and son from the van, and when doing so, saw the faces of his own children back home. Josh Stieber was in the same company but was not there that day, though he contributed to the your pain, and the pain of your community on many other occasions,” states the letter. “We have been speaking to whoever will listen, telling them that what was shown in the Wikileaks video only begins to depict the suffering we have created. From our own experiences, and the experiences of other veterans we have talked to, we know that the acts depicted in this video are everyday occurrences of this war: this is the nature of how U.S.-led wars are carried out in this region.”

Washington Post Writer: Internet Journalism Is “Sort Of Like Terrorism”
In the same breath Pulitzer prize winning dinosaur decries use of “loaded” rhetoric
Steve Watson
Tuesday, April 20th, 2010

Newspaper Circulation Falls Nearly 9%
April 26, 2010
The reality facing many American newspaper publishers continues to look stark, as figures released Monday show deep circulation declines, with average weekday sales down almost 9 percent since the same time last year.

WTF CNN? (compare daily CNN coverage to the rest of the world)

CNN Co-Founder: CNN Is at Risk of Becoming a Bad Joke
By P.J. Gladnick
Wed, 04/28/2010
The April ratings are in and CNN is at its lowest point in my memory. All four of the major news networks lost numbers from last April to this April, but in percentages, CNN was down about twice as much as any of its competitors.

Americans remaining ill-informed is inexcusable
By Paul J. Balles
30 April 2010
Paul J. Balles comments on the ironic misfortune that, despite having all the technology to be informed, Americans remain generally ignorant bystanders amid an increasingly antagonistic Congress and a biased, sloppy and uninformative media.